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  • Writer's pictureKelly Vandewalker



September 25, 2017

Wow!  Time is flying!  Almost too fast for me to keep up.  

Well, it's official!  Fall is here.  Of course, if you live in Texas, someone has to tell you that it's fall because the weather certainly doesn't.  Its still hot!  But, not hot enough to keep me from kicking off the season with my homemade Pumpkin Coffee Creamer.  

I love coffee.  My parents love coffee.  My siblings love coffee.  My friends love coffee.  There is just a bunch of "coffee love" around me.  But I get tired of store bought creamers.  I just can't find one that I really like.  So, I set out last year to create my own and did quite a bit of experimenting with different flavors.  Since I love the Fall, pumpkin flavor only seemed natural.  

While I was experimenting with this recipe, I tried a few different flavors like cinnamon spice, nutmeg spice, vanilla extract and pumpkin pie spice.  You may like some of these flavors so I encourage you to find your favorite!  After many test runs, I finally found a combination of flavors that work for me and I would like to share it with you.  

That's right.....a few simple ingredients blended together to create a creamer that will make you want to drink coffee ALL DAY LONG!

Now, I wouldn't suggest that you drink coffee all day.....too much caffeine makes me a little crazier than my usual self.  But this creamer is so darn good, you won't be able to get enough.

I found this bottle at Target in the "Gotta Have It" section.  Yeah, you know the section I am talking about.....

You go in for crackers.  Something catches your eye upon entering.  You stop to take a look.  You find a cute plate to display the crackers you are about to buy.......

   "It's only $4.  Oh, and look, it's a cheese slicer.  It goes perfect with the cracker plate!  It's only $2.  Uh oh, those cute little paper plates. Wow!  And look at those invitations.  It all matches! EVERYTHING matches!  I need to throw a "Wine and Cheese" Party for my friends and use all of these!  SCORE!!  It's Party Time!!!" 

And before you know it you have spent $30, walked out, and you never even made it to the cracker section.  This happens to me all the time.  And yes!  That's the conversation that goes on in my head!  (I think I need to start wearing blinders when I go in that store.)  

Anyway, this bottle ended up being perfect for my homemade coffee creamer.  I think it looks a little like the old milk jugs that were delivered to your door....way before my time.... but my Mama remembers them.

So here is the recipe:

Pumpkin Coffee Creamer

Makes about 4 cups

1 can sweetened condensed milk

10 oz half and half

*2 TBSP pumpkin puree

*Pumpkin Pie Spice

Place all ingredients in blender and combine until smooth.  Pour creamer into a bottle and store in the refrigerator.  Use at your discretion.

Creamer will keep for about a week and a half to two weeks.

*Amounts are dependent upon your taste so add more or less for your liking.

One more thing l like about making this creamer....... I always give it a good shake in the bottle before I pour it and it makes my coffee seem a bit frothy.  I kinda begin to feel like I am a real barista!!  I just love it.  

So, it's officially Fall!  Although it's still hot outside, I can justify making my Pumpkin Coffee Creamer.  I hope that you will give it a try and enjoy it as much as I do!

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