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  • Writer's pictureKelly Vandewalker

Sisterly Love

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

My sister is AMAZING! I cannot begin to tell you what she means to me or all the things we have been through together, but she has recently found herself in an empty house.....her boys have gone off to college..... and she wanted to make her house more "her style" than that of raising boys. She called me and asked for some help. I gladly accepted and created a folder just for her that included pictures of her homes' interior and pictures that I thought would fit her style. What a great time we had shopping (that's another story) and decorating her house. Check it out!!

Our parents visit her a lot and they always have on light jackets. She wanted a place where they could hang their jackets and kick off their shoes when they came in the door. Here is what we came up with.

This is the Foyer BEFORE.....

This is the AFTER.....

Her dining room had become a "catch all" and she hated to walk through it, so we spruced it up a little bit. Here's a BEFORE.........

And here is an AFTER....

Another dining room BEFORE...

And another AFTER.....

She says this is her favorite room now, even though we re-decorated the living room and bathroom, too. Here are a couple more finished products......

She was very pleased with her new surroundings and it made me VERY happy to help her. Now, onto the next project!!

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